Thursday, December 10, 2009

Drinking Water After a Massage

I get the question all the time and I heard it again today from a well educated, intelligent woman.

"Should I drink more water after I get a massage?"

It is my belief that through understanding the waste disposal process of the "toxins" that are released from the body, The system responsible for that task is the Lymphatic System. The toxins that we are talking about are the acids
(lactic acid, carbonic acid , uric acid and hyaluronic acid) that are the byproducts of muscle contractions and are held in the muscles until they are manually removed through either muscle contraction or external manipulation (Eg. Massage Therapy). Other toxins are the wastes from other normal cellular functions.

The Lymphatic System is made up of a clear liquid that transports wastes through our body to a central location to be expelled from the body (What a nice way to put that.). Our Lymphatic System works better when we are properly hydrated. And since it is essentially our immune system, hydration is VERY important.

Hydration is an ongoing process and takes days to achieve. It cannot be done by drinking large quantities of water post massage. We actually get most of the fluid we need from the foods we eat. Food stays in our system longer and our body takes much of the moisture our during the digestive and absorption process. Foods that are high in moisture content (Eg. Apples, grapes... basically all your raw fruits and vegetables.) give up their water to our body. Just another reason to eat more fruits and vegetables.

So the answer is no. Don't worry about drinking water after your massage to "flush out toxins" from your body. Eat your fruits and veggies all the time and you'll have a healthier immune system and you'll be better hydrated. Your massage will be more effective too. Now schedule your massage for next week, then eat an apple.

Ben Keyes
Licensed Massage Therapist

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